MARDT works on various projects in and around March. Here you’ll find details of current projects.

Town Moorings
MARDT was pleased to have been awarded funding to work with Fenland District Council to create six new river moorings in the town. We are delighted with this development which we believe will benefit the tourism and business of March. Work has been going on over the past few months and is due to be completed in the Spring of 2011.
Check back for more details and photographs.....

Fenland Heritage Weekend 9th - 11th Sept 2011
After a successful Heritage Weekend in 2010, MARDT is pleased to be working with Fenland District Council; and representatives from all four of Fenland's market towns to organise this year's Heritage Weekend in 2010. Click here for more information.

St George's Fayre
Each year March holds its St George’s Fayre and MARDT is proud to be involved, working in partnership with other organisations in March and the surrounding area to ensure a fun-packed day for the town.
Take a look at the Gallery to view photos from the 2009, 2010 and 2011 Fayres.